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Student Debt

Student Debt

Student debt, and its intersection with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), is a pressing issue that affects individuals from marginalized communities disproportionately. Student debt refers to the financial burden acquired by students to finance their education, often resulting in long-term debt obligations. This issue exacerbates existing inequalities and perpetuates systemic disparities. Students from marginalized backgrounds, including low-income individuals and communities of color, often face higher levels of student debt due to limited access to financial resources, systemic barriers, and unequal educational opportunities. The burden of student debt can hinder economic mobility, exacerbate wealth gaps, and perpetuate intergenerational cycles of inequality. Addressing student debt through a DEI lens involves recognizing the structural barriers that contribute to disproportionate debt burdens and developing policies and programs that promote equitable access to education, reduce financial barriers, and support the success of marginalized students. It requires advocating for affordable education, inclusive financial aid policies, and comprehensive support systems to mitigate the impact of student debt on marginalized communities and foster a more equitable and inclusive education system.

Getting Started

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