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Whitworth Library's Zine Collection: Citing Zines

Like any other resource used in scholarship, zines should be cited. Use the information on this page or the guide for Citation Tools to get started.

Here are some tips for formatting your citations using MLA Style:

  • In MLA style, a pamphlet, zine, or brochure is cited like a book.
  • Include as much detail as possible, using the MLA's Core Elements.  
  • If your zine has no author, or if the author is "anonymous," begin your citation with the title of the zine. Pseudonyms, including online usernames, are usually given like regular author names.
  • If your zine is part of a numbered series, indicate the issue number.

General Form

Last, First M. or Organization [if different than Publisher]. Zine Title. Publisher, Date. 

Need help with citations?

If you have any questions about when or how to cite the sources you are using, please don't hesitate to ask a librarian! We're here to help you!