A selection from the Whitworth Library's Zine Collection. Photo by zine librarian Sophia Du Val.
Established in summer 2021, the Zine Collection currently contains over 200 zines on a breadth of topics. The collection will continue to grow through both donations and purchases made every semester. Our purchased zines are sourced directly from zine makers whenever possible, but we also acquire zines via independent presses and small booksellers.
In their sharing of experiences, offerings of advice, or simply in their retelling of stories, zines allow for a very personal transmission of information from one individual to another. Often, the voices represented in zines are marginalized or disenfranchised, and zines act as a conduit through which diverse voices are documented and disseminated. Zines are vital transmitters of these histories and identities, and as pieces of alternative literature they are growing collections in many academic and public libraries. Zines are not only valuable for their artistry and creative expression, but because of their worth as primary source documents of lived, personal, and contemporary experiences. The Zine Collection at Whitworth University is envisioned to be both engaging and instructive, highlighting and sharing a diversity of perspectives on a variety of topics for students to identify with, reflect upon, and learn from.
We hope you enjoy the collection!
Research questions about zines and related topics can be directed to librarian Sophia Du Val.
We welcome donations to the Zine collection!
If you have a small or large zine collection, or a couple of issues of a zine you wrote, we'd love to add them to our holdings. We collect all kinds of zines, but we're especially interested in zines from PNW authors and artists, zines that focus on spirituality or social justice topics, and zines by marginalized or underrepresented folks.
Although we ask for donations, the Library cannot guarantee that all donated zines will make it into the collection. The addition or removal of zines is made at the discretion of library staff and the evaluation of donations is held to the same standards for inclusion as purchased items, relying upon professional expertise and the assessment of the needs of our community in collaboration with other departments.
While all zine donations will be considered, the Library observes the right to accept or reject zine donations in accordance with our collection development needs.
If you are interested in donating to the Zine collection, please email Sophia with a description and photos of the item(s) you wish to donate.
"I'm not even trying to be dramatic, but to the world at large, I am a freak. My voice is downplayed, ignored and/or made into a joke in the mass of verbal and physical disapproval that bombards me every day when I leave the safety of my house or make the stupid decision to read a newspaper, magazine or turn the television on. When I am out of my element, I am told that my very existence is wrong or problematic because I am a fat, queer, mentally ill, politically radical woman with very little money and little to no regard for beauty standards and so on and so forth. But you know what? I am so NOT...SORRY. As long as myself and others are disrespected, invalidated, unsafe and ignored by the masses, my experiences, ideas and opinions need to be heard and I will keep on talking this shit and it is not going to be pretty. Besides, how else are these stories going to be documented? With the exception of the gay rights movement, these stories will most likely not be found in any future history books, and if they are, they will most likely be totally inaccurate. Now I know that this zine will not go much beyond the zine reading community, but this is where I have chosen to start and it's something which is always better than nothing."
Jenny San Diego. Not Sorry, #3. April, 2005. Portland, Oregon.