Health Sciences

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Locate Print Books

Whitworth Library uses the Library of Congress classification system. Health Science books are located in both the main collection and reference (non-circulating) collection shelved under:

  • Q    Science
    • QD    Chemistry
    • QH    Natural history - Biology
    • QM    Human anatomy
    • QP    Physiology
    • QR    Microbiology
  • R    Medicine
    • RA    Public aspects of medicine
    • RB    Pathology
    • RC    Internal medicine
    • RD    Surgery
    • FR    Otorhinolaryngology
    • RG    Gynecology and obstetrics
    • RJ     Pediatrics
    • RL    Dermatology
    • RM    Therapeutics. Pharmacology
    • RS    Pharmacy and materia medica
    • RT    Nursing

Oxford Reference eBooks

Select Oxford Medicine and Health Reference Titles: