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Research Methods

Quick Guide to Research at Whitworth

Types of Research

Process and Resources

Qualitative vs. Quantitative
  • Qualitative data can be described without the use of numbers (e.g., colors, feelings).
  • Quantitative data can be explained using numbers.
Research Process Steps
  1. Choose a topic
  2. Review relevant literature
  3. Formulate hypotheses
  4. Collect data
  5. Analyze/interpret data
  6. Report results
Correlational vs. Experimental
  • Correlational research cannot determine causal relationships. Instead, it can examine relationships between variables.
  • Experimental research can establish causal relationships and variables can be manipulated.
Resources for Research

Whitworth Library has many resources and databases to use when conducting research. Consider starting with these:

  1. Subject librarians
  2. Databases
  3. Library research guides
Empirical vs. Non-Empirical
  • Empirical studies are based on evidence obtained through experimentation or observation.
  • Non-empirical studies do not require researchers to collect first-hand data.
Peer Reviewed Articles

Peer reviewed articles are written by experts in their respective fields. After being written, these articles are reviewed by other experts to ensure the quality and accuracy of the article before publication.