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Research Methods

Research Design vs. Research Method

A good research design using appropriate research method(s) ensures data obtained answers the research question effectively.

  • Research design = a plan to answer your research question. 
  • Research method = a strategy used to implement that plan. 

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” --Antoine de Saint Exupery

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Method

Balance the time, strengths, and weakness of each method when selecting.

  • Time for data collection and analysis (e.g., observations produce rich information but take time to collect and analyze).
  • Strengths and weaknesses of each method (e.g., surveys can be time effective but lack details).

Different Research Methods = Different Types of Research

Select a research method based on your research goal and subjects to collect your data.

The method will produce different kinds of data (e.g., surveys produce short answers, experiments produce data in a controlled environment).