Archives and Special Collections

Quick Information

Schedule an appointment to access Archival collections or call  (509)777-4481

Hours for Appointments -  Mon., Tues. Wed. or Thurs 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. , Fri., 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Locate Resources

Search the Whitworth Catalog for books and some archival collections here

Online access to a selection of the Archives' finding aids is provided via the Archives West database:

Archival Instruction

Archival Instruction for University Classes

Faculty who wish to include an archival component in their classes have numerous options to do so.

Please contact Nancy A. Bunker, University Archivist to schedule Archival Instruction. or (509)777-4481

Introduction to the Archives and Archival Research

Basic archival instruction on what an archives is, how it differs from a library, and how to use one for locating primary source materials. Uses the Information Literacy Guidelines and Competencies for Undergraduate History Students  as a basis for teaching about the historical research process as well as tools and techniques for primary source research.

Topic Specific Research

Subject research on specific topics can be done utilizing materials in the Archives and Special Collections. There is a plethora of options for subject based research, not just for history students. Theology students have a variety of missionary and church records to use. Classes from English, Athletic Training, Communications, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology have all had archival components in previous years.