The U.S. Copyright Office states copyright is: "A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States for "original works of authorship", including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural, cartographic, choreographic, pantomimic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, and audiovisual creations."
Individuals are allowed limited use of copyrighted materials in specific circumstances. You may:
Further limitations are set as to how much of the work may be used for fair use.
Creative works that are not protected by copyright, trademark, or patent laws due to:
Works created before 1923 are in the public domain. For any work created after 1923, check the copyright. Here is a tool to help you determine public domain: Copyright Slider
Beware of public domain works that have been modified: those modifications are protected under copyright even if the original work is in public domain.
It is not public domain. It is the free, unrestricted access to any work, particularly scholarly or research work. Open access materials are still copyrighted by the author. The author of open access works gives permission for the work to be freely distributed and may give further use or modification permissions as well.
A work can be dedicated to the public domain through a Creative Commons license. Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that provides copyright licences, public domain dedications, and copyright tools aimed at web content. Authors can choose various CC licences for their work that informs users about reuse and/or modification permissions.
If your project, paper, or presentation is going to be used for educational purposes at a nonprofit educational institution and will not be made available on the internet, you may use copyrighted material, with limitations, under Fair Use.
If your project, paper, or presentation is going to be made available on the internet, you must use material either in public domain or licensed under the appropriate Creative Commons license.
There are many sources for audio, video, and images to use for classroom presentations, final. But you must be sure anything you use is not subject to copyright protection. Many images, audio, and video are allowed to be used for academic purposes within the classroom or in unpublished student work. For the Christian Movements Project web site, however, those digital resources will be published on the internet, so you need to be certain you have permission to do so.
Thinglink: annotate an image. Requires Thinglink account.
StoryMap JS: create a map/timeline from information in a Google Spreadsheet. Requires a Google account.
Timeline JS: create a timeline from information in a Google Spreadsheet. Requires a Google account.
examples below