Creating an E-Portfolio

E-Portfolio Building Sites

Browse the following links for some free e-portfolio building sites, general website building sites, and blogging sites that may be useful in building and publishing your e-portfolio. All these sites are free, or have a free version.

Cloud Resources for E-Portfolios

Useful for storing additional content.

You also have a OneDrive associated with your Whitworth email account; check for additional details at: Instructional Resources

Quick Suggestions for Getting Started

E-portfolios are a good way to store examples of your work and share them with your instructors and potential employers. Here are some quick suggestions to get started:

  1. Select a cloud service that you can use to store your files, like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive. These will help you keep your file secure and organized while you build your e-portfolio. Links to some of the most popular sites (all with free versions) are in the Cloud Resources box on the left.
  2. Select an e-portfolio service that you can use to build your actual portfolio. These services will provide web pages for your portfolio, and many tools to help you build it. There are a wide variety of sites that range from simple to complex, so choose one that fits your level of comfort. Links to many popular sites (all with free versions) are in the E-Portfolio Building Sites box on the left.
  3. Familiarize yourself with some basic principles of web design, to make sure your portfolio has a professional feel. Each of the Books of Interest below has useful suggestions on building a professional-looking portfolio.

Whitworth Departments

Books of Interest for Creating an E-Portfolio