Under development. Revised 10/10/08; 6/26/17.
Regarding the Whitworth Intellectual Property Policy see Appendix F of the Faculty Handbook.
For Special Collections policies, see Special Collections.
Preliminary, 3/11/08
The Reference Collection is a non-circulating collection of resources designed to support the basic research and information needs of faculty, students, and staff in all subject fields. It is developed to support the general curricular and research needs of the academic community.
Types of materials selected for and housed in the Reference area include standard reference formats, including but not limited to encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks, almanacs, concordances, atlases, bibliographies, gazetteers, biographical sources, statistical compendia, writing and research style manuals and guides to literature. In addition book review sources, newspaper indexes, indexing and abstracting services, dissertation guides, and union lists are housed nearby in the Index area.
The collection is geared to a broad focus. Usually narrowly focused subject areas and works covering individual authors or historical figures are not collected in the Reference area. Books of a more specialized nature will be added to the circulating library collection.
In most cases only the latest edition of a reference work is shelved in the reference section. Older editions are transferred to the circulating collection or discarded. The resources chosen for the reference collection must supply reliable information with minimal duplication of information between sources.
Reference resources are selected using the following requirements
It is not the goal to maintain duplicate resources in both print and electronic formats. In most cases only one format will be maintained. However some resources may have value in both print and electronic and if the title is frequently consulted or the print version offers significant advantages over the electronic version both may be maintained.
The Reference collections will be evaluated on a regular basis. Subject-specific resources will be examined cooperatively by multiple librarians. The Coordinator of Reference Services with the assistance of other reference staff, and faculty where appropriate, reviews the collection and deselects inappropriate or outdated titles.
Preliminary draft March 2008. Revised 26 June 2017.
Definition: Electronic resources are defined as works electronically accessible through subscription or through free availability and may include but are not limited to electronic journals, electronic books, government publications, other electronic documents and multimedia collections including music, video, image collections, and electronic indexes and abstracting services (with or without full-text).
Electronic resources are collected according to the needs of the library as outlined in the Library Mission and Collection Goals. These resources are given the same consideration as other formats in the Library collection.
Selection of Electronic Resources
Change in this area of library resources has been swift in recent years. As of 2017 most e-books and digital journals are subscribed to in large databases or multi-item packages; most titles are not individually selected by title. These collections also shift holdings in an ongoing manner. Library catalog software updates nightly in order to keep up with the constantly changing inventory.
Faculty, students and staff may recommend new electronic resources for purchase by the library. Request forms may be found on the Whitworth Forms List found on Pirate Port. Requests will be forwarded to the librarian in charge of that area for further evaluation.
Electronic resources are selected using the following considerations:
Requests for price quotes, trials of new resources, and contact with vendors should be handled by the database librarian or the library director.
It is not the goal to maintain duplicate resources in both print and electronic formats. In most cases only one format will be maintained. However some resources may have value in both print and electronic format and both may be purchased and maintained in select cases.
Technology requirements are considered from the institutional point of view regarding available bandwidth, server space, maintenance concerns, and security. Electronic resources needing hardware and software upgrades, not conforming to industry and library standards, or needing technical support or library staffing beyond what is currently available and funded may be not acquired on this basis.
Maintenance of Electronic Resources
Electronic resources may be linked from the library web pages, cataloged, or listed on the periodicals A-Z list. Librarians assigned with these responsibilities will maintain the electronic resources along with other formats.
Some electronic resources may have limited access to certain groups of users according to the licensing agreements of specific databases and electronic resources. Off-campus access to subscription electronic resources is limited to currently enrolled students, faculty and staff. On campus access to these databases will be allowed to any patron within the reference area of the library assuming that the license agreement does not prohibit such access.
The database librarian will have primary responsibility to be in contact with vendors regarding updates, change in content, change in interfaces, addition or subtraction of product availability and renewal issues.
Review of Electronic Resources
Electronic Resources will be evaluated annually or during regular renewal periods. Continuation of the availability of electronic resources will be made based on the following criteria
Adopted 1993; revised 2003, 2008
The Curriculum Library collection is divided into three major sections: Juvenile Literature, Elementary Curriculum and Secondary Curriculum. Each section has specific collection criteria.
Juvenile Collection - Materials collected include juvenile fiction (both picture and chapter books) short stories, fairy/folk tales and young adult fiction. Non-fiction materials are collected to represent the various genres of science, social studies, languages and math. This is not intended to be a comprehensive collection but representative of types of children's literature available. Juvenile fiction and non-fiction will be purchased primarily to support classroom curriculum. In addition reference materials for a juvenile audience as well as activity, craft and general "how-to" books may be added to this collection. Precedence may be given to award-winning books but other criteria of purchase can be used.
Curriculum Collections - Instructional materials designed for classroom use including but not limited to textbooks and sets of textbooks, curriculum planners and guides, resource books or audiovisual materials (CD, DVD etc.) containing duplicate masters, experiments, and classroom activities. Supplemental materials designed and sold with the curriculum sets may also be added at the discretion of the Curriculum librarian. This collection is limited to the types of materials to be used directly with students. Theories of teaching, methods of teaching and general teaching guides belong in the general Education collections in the Main Library.
Elementary Curriculum - Elementary Curriculum materials are those materials that were designed to use with students in grades K-8. These materials encompass the traditional method of textbook publishers when dividing curricular materials by elementary and secondary. In addition if there are materials that encompass the entire range of years K-12 they will be placed in the Elementary Curriculum section.
Secondary Curriculum -These materials are for use with students in middle school or high school programs. This results in materials for grades 6-12 or in some cases 5-12 if the grades 5-8 are designed as a middle school curriculum program.
Policy for the annual review and purchase of materials for the Elementary and Secondary Curriculum collections : On a rotating basis each of the five areas of the curriculum collections will be reviewed once every four years by one or more faculty members in the School of Education. The faculty will be selected by the full School of Education faculty at the beginning of the fall term based on their relative familiarity and expertise with the material to be reviewed during the concurrent school year. After reviewing the assigned portion of the curriculum collection, the designated faculty will also develop and submit a prioritized list of new materials to be ordered to improve the respective portion of the library collection.
The five designated areas of the curriculum library collection are:
Each year 75% of the annual undergraduate education curriculum library budget will be allocated specifically for the purchases of materials for the library collection in the area being reviewed during that year. The remaining 25% of the budget will be available for purchases in all areas of the curriculum library collection on a first come first serve basis to all educational faculty.
Policy for the review and weeding of materials in the Curriculum Library collection : As needed the curriculum library materials will be reviewed and selected materials withdrawn from the collection. There is a range of criteria involved in de-selection of materials including but not limited to outdated materials, superseding editions, disuse of materials or poor condition of materials.
Some items will be permanently maintained in the collection to represent curriculum changes for historical comparison. Selected curriculum sets representing samples from each decade or period of curriculum revision will be retained. Selected sets may be stated as part of the permanent collection because of historical significance or unusual nature of curriculum. Regional historical materials such as Pacific Northwest history textbooks will be considered part of the permanent collection.
Weeding of materials from the Curriculum Library will be done by the Curriculum Librarian in consultation with appropriate Education department faculty.
Preliminary draft 10/8/08. Revised 26 June 2017.
The collection in the Martin Music Library primarily supports the curricular and program needs of Whitworth's Music Department. Collection development is intended to align with the department's curricular emphases, which presently include classical music, jazz, and church music both traditional and contemporary. Some representation of world ethnic musical traditions is sought for the collection as well. Current popular music is generally outside the scope of this collection unless related to specific curricular needs. A broad range of streaming music may be found on the Library Research Guides under Multimedia.
The Music Library collection serves secondarily the music-related interests and needs of the larger campus community and as a resource for the musical culture and music-education community of Spokane and the surrounding region. These secondary functions, while they should rarely if ever constitute the sole or principal rationale for a selection decision, may be given some weight as supporting considerations.
The Martin Music Library Collection comprises two categories of materials: music sound recordings and music scores. Both generally fall within Library of Congress classification M1- M9999. The principal recording formats presently collected are compact disc (CD) and streaming audio. A small collection of older phonorecords (LP recordings) is retained as warranted by historical value, musical uniqueness, and/or unavailability of a suitable CD replacement; no additions are being actively made to the phonorecord collection unless for exceptional or compelling reasons. Audio tapes are generally not collected unless for similarly exceptional and compelling reasons.
The Music Library's score collection is intended principally for individual study and, to a lesser extent, individual performance. Working scores for ensemble performance are outside its collection scope; acquisition, housing, and administration of such working scores are the responsibility of the Music Department. Scores collected in the Music Library may include individual musical works, collected editions, and anthologies or collections including hymn books. Particular emphasis is placed on definitive editions of original compositions, especially of major composers, but derivative works - such as keyboard reductions of orchestral works, piano-vocal versions of choral works, simplified editions, or adaptations for different instruments or vocal ranges - may be collected if they serve Music Department needs and meet generally accepted musical standards. The collection presently includes a substantial number of miniature study scores, but ongoing collection development shall give preference to full-size scores.
Books about music (theory, history, technique, pedagogy, etc.), usually classified in LC class ranges ML-MT, are not housed in the Music Library space but are integrated as appropriate in the main circulating collection, reference collection, curriculum collection, or others as appropriate. Audiovisual music materials, including musical performances on DVD, are normally housed and cataloged in the ITMS/Audiovisual Collection rather than the Music Library. Many performances are available as streaming content.
Revised 26 June 2017
The purpose of this collection is to provide popular mass-market fiction and non-fiction primarily for casual and entertainment reading. It is maintained at a deliberately limited size of around 500 volumes. The strongest emphasis is on fiction, sub-divided into general fiction, mysteries, and science fiction. Non-fiction will generally not exceed around ten percent of the collection.
The contents or subject matter of books in this collection are typically more transitory in value than those of paperback volumes added to other collections. In some instances, however, a copy or edition of a title in this collection may supplement, during a short period of popularity or heightened interest, a more permanent copy or edition in another collection.
Additions to the Casual Reads Collection occur through purchase of new or used copies or through donations. Coordinating responsibility for the collection is assigned to one librarian, though other librarians, as well as students and faculty, may make suggestions.
De-selection within the collection will be done periodically to (1) remove volumes in poor condition (loose pages, torn covers, etc.), (2) remove obsolete or unused materials, and/or (3) maintain the intended approximate size of the collection. Average expected life is about 5 years.
This is a small, publicly accessible reference collection of key materials representing the history and heritage of the university. Its purposes are:
(a) to encourage and support interest in, and research into, the institution's history;
(b) to protect and preserve archival copies of materials housed in Special Collections or Archives by providing, for frequent handling, either additional original copies (to the extent available) or facsimile copies of key publications that document or recount the institution's history.
Specific categories of materials included in the Whitworth Heritage Collection are:
Portions previously adopted 1999, 2000, 2002; under revision March-April 2008
Ratified 9/11/02
The mission of the Whitworth Archives is to actively collect, process and preserve all records and materials pertaining to the history of Whitworth University. The Archives also collects and houses materials related to the history of Protestantism in the Pacific Northwest, in order to support the programs and purposes of the university's Weyerhaeuser Center for Faith & Learning .
The General or Whitworth Institutional Archives:
Purpose: The General or Whitworth Institutional Archives collects and preserves materials related to the history, development, and operation of Whitworth University, formerly Whitworth College. The Whitworth Archives does not have an institutional records management function, but is operated to preserve the university's heritage and to provide historical perspective for present and future decision-making.
Clientele Served:
Whitworth University faculty and staff
Whitworth University students
Other researchers
General public
Scope of Collection: The Archives collects records of long-term historical significance, principally in the categories listed below. The University Archivist maintains and publicizes a more detailed Records Retention Schedule, updated as necessary, covering the following categories plus others determined at any given time as appropriate to the purpose of the Archives:
Administrative Records, such as:
Board of Trustees
Office of the President
Academic Affairs
Faculty Governance
Business Office
Student Life and Enrollment Management
Development Office
Human Resources
Campus Publications, such as:
Student newspapers
College/university catalogs
Literary publications
Alumni bulletins
Student handbooks
Other, such as:
Building plans
Scrapbooks and newspaper clippings
Personal papers
Audio and video tapes
Artifacts and memorabilia
Publications of alumni, students, and faculty
The following are excluded as outside the scope of the Whitworth University Archives, because they do not meet its criteria for historical significance, for legal reasons, or for practical reasons limitations of space, staffing,
Routine working records of most campus offices, except on a sampling basis
Student registration records
Personnel records
Most artifacts
Guidelines for Individual Faculty Archives: The Archives seeks to collect records of individual faculty who participated in the university's history for a significant period of time and/or had a substantial impact on the university's curriculum, other programs, reputation, or relationship with external constituencies.
The following guidelines shall apply for collections maintained under an individual faculty member's name. Exceptions may be made by the University Archivist in light of her/his best judgment, and in consultation as appropriate with other university officials.
The faculty member must have taught at Whitworth ten years or more, or retired from the institution after teaching at least five years.
Normally, records collected shall not exceed one standard "clam-shell" Hollinger archive file box.
Standard categories of records collected elsewhere in the Archives (e.g., minutes of Faculty Assembly or major committees) shall not be included in individual files.
Categories of material particularly encouraged for inclusion:
course syllabi, especially for courses designed by or strongly identified with the particular individual;
records of major projects, events, or decisions in which the individual was substantially involved;
documentation of significant research, scholarship, professional activity, or service inside or outside the institution;
correspondence with students, colleagues, etc., reflective of the individual's impact at the institution;
representative personal and family portraits; other photographs if reflective of activities at the institution or related to documentation listed in (a) through (d).
Categories of material generally excluded:
records of hobbies or personal interests unrelated to teaching or university activities;
personal correspondence unrelated to teaching or university activities;
personal legal or financial records;
genealogical records.
Purpose: The Archives of the History of Protestantism in the Pacific Northwest is a joint effort of the Whitworth Library and the Institute for Protestant Studies in the Pacific Northwest, a program of the university's Weyerhaeuser Center for Christian Faith and Learning. The Institute's defined purpose is "to provide a regional resource for historical and professional study in areas related to how Protestantism has functioned in the larger cultural context of the Pacific Northwest."
Scope of Collection: The Archives seeks to collect records of Protestant churches, other Protestant bodies, and social-service organizations with Protestant religious roots in the Pacific Northwest. For purposes of these archives, as for the related Special Collection on Pacific Northwest Protestantism (see in this section under "Special Collections"), the "Pacific Northwest" is defined as encompassing the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. "Protestantism," for this purpose, is understood as encompassing all Christian denominations and movements normally classified as falling within this branch of Christianity by the majority of religious scholars. This range encompasses, for example, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, Anabaptists, Free Church and Pietist traditions, Pentecostals, and Holiness churches and movements, among others, as well as independent churches and movements. It chiefly excludes, among other branches of Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Mormonism, while controversial in terms of its classification as Protestant or even Christian, is not considered to fall within the scope of these archives, as much for practical as for debatable theological reasons.
Since practical obstacles related to space, staffing, and funding preclude (at least in the short term) the aspiration to collect comprehensively within this very broadly defined scope, there will be an emphasis for the present on acquiring and maintaining representative collections to serve the purposes of historical research and scholarship. In addition, there will be (again for the present) an emphasis on:
the history in the Pacific Northwest of Whitworth's sponsoring denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
the history of Protestantism in the surrounding region of Eastern Washington and North Idaho, and particularly the greater Spokane area.
Types of materials the Archives actively seeks to collect include:
Annual reports
Church bulletins
Sunday School materials
Mission statements
Oral histories
Monthly newsletters
Music/worship materials
Video histories
Census records
Materials pertaining to:
Youth programs
Women's activities
Social/political activities
Missionary activities
The following small archival collections were created under special circumstances relating in part to donations of non-archival library collections. Additions are not actively sought or solicited, but related material may be added if presented.
Moldenhauer Archives at Whitworth University: Includes materials relating to Hans Moldenhauer (a Whitworth alumnus) and his wife Rosaleen Moldenhauer, the Spokane Conservatory, Spokane musical history (e.g., the Gottfried Herbs archives), and original scores of Washington composers (Michael Young, Gregory Short, and others).
Franklin Good Piano Music Collection: Includes uncatalogued scores, teaching materials, and technical studies.
Similar collections of limited scope that are outside the two defined purposes and foci of the Whitworth Archives (i.e., institutional history and the history of Pacific Northwest Protestantism) may be considered when warranted by special circumstances. But these will not be added lightly, and require the approval of the Library Director as well as the Archivist. In determining whether such an exceptional collection should be added, factors to be weighed with care include:
Special relevance or interest to Whitworth's educational program or to the Whitworth community
Impact on limited archival space, staffing, and funding
Intrinsic historic, educational, or scholarly value of the materials
Availability of an alternative home for the materials that would be better in terms of subject affinity of existing collections, accessibility to scholars, preservation facilities, or other factors.
As a general rule, proliferation of small, disconnected archival collections is to be resisted.
For the General or Whitworth Institutional Collection, the Archivist solicits and accepts materials and memorabilia generated by or related to Whitworth University activities. Judgment on what is appropriate for the Archives is generally reserved to the Archivist, who may, however, consult with the university historian (official or unofficial), with the Library Director, with other university officials, or with relevant constituencies, as deemed useful and prudent.
A Records Transmittal form will be used when transferring records from a campus department to the Archives (see Appendix).
The Archivist consults with the director of the Weyerhaeuser Center for Christian Faith and Learning or his/her designee on acquisitions for the Pacific Northwest Protestant Collection: setting general guidelines, defining specific short-term or long-term collection goals or targets, evaluating major prospective acquisitions, etc. The Library Director should be included in this consultation when significant space, facility, staffing, or budgeting implications are at stake.
For donations from parties outside the university, a Deed of Gift agreement will legally govern the transfer of ownership (see Appendix).
The Archivist or other institutional personnel make no appraisals as to monetary value.
Regarding gifts of archival materials:
The Archivist may exercise discretion over what is kept and what is not.
The donor may arrange, on request, to have unwanted items returned to him/her.
Acknowledging that the deaccession of materials in Archives and Special Collections is governed by different principles than those for general research collections, the following guidelines will be followed:
The relevant Collection Development Policy will be followed in the initial accession of materials, to lessen the likelihood of deaccession at a later time.
Materials that have been transferred to a more archivally sound medium may be deaccessioned. An example of this is the photocopying of an acidic newspaper clipping onto acid-free paper.
Materials found to be redundant or duplicate may be deaccessioned, provided due weight is given to effects on collection integrity and on accessibility of the information.
The Donation Record for a collection or item will be thoroughly examined before a deaccession decision is made, and written agreements honored.
An attempt may be made to locate a more suitable repository for deaccessioned items, determined by geography and collecting strengths.
Collection Policy for Faculty Papers
The Whitworth University Archives seeks faculty collections that support the teaching and research mission of the institution, and that document an individual faculty member’s contribution to the university. The Archives will evaluate each collection on a case-by-case basis to determine its appropriateness for accessioning into the Archives’ permanent collection. Please contact Nancy A. Bunker at nbunker@whitworth.edu with any questions.
Faculty collections generally contain the following types of records:
TEACHING MATERIALS: Syllabi, audio/visual materials, lectures, blank exams, etc.
RESEARCH MATERIALS: Datasets, field notes, oral histories/recordings, publications, presentations/papers delivered, substantive correspondence, etc.
· RECORDS OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Minutes of committees, task forces, or other administrative activities. Professional correspondence, photographs. Materials are not embargoed.
Accessioned items will be available to those making use of and researching in the Whitworth University Archives.
If you are looking for information on submitting faculty scholarship and publications to the Whitworth Digital Commons, please contact Sophia DuVal at sduval@whitworth.edu.
Goals of the Whitworth Digital Commons
Scope of the Whitworth Digital Commons
Whitworth University faculty, student, and staff intellectual and creative output, including but not limited to:
Whitworth University institutional archives and publications, including but not limited to:
Whitworth University Library Special Collections and Archives materials, including but not limited to:
Whitworth University Library Collaborative Digital Projects, but not limited to:
Criteria for Digitizing Special Collections and Archives Materials for Digital Commons
Materials are rare or unique and/or:
· Support research and instruction at Whitworth University
· Have potential for national or international research use
· Have potential for widespread popular use within the state
· Document areas in which we actively collect archival or special collections materials
· Are “information dense”
· Users would benefit significantly from the ability to engage in full text searching
Criteria for Collecting Born Digital Materials in Digital Commons
Pertains to Whitworth and/or:
· Continues documentation that the library has in analog format
· Provides documentation in areas in which we actively collect archival and special collections materials
· Contains information not easily accessible elsewhere and/or is of general interest
Out of Scope for the Digital Commons Collection
Responsibility for the Digital Commons
The library's Digital Commons Committee is responsible for making decisions regarding services, standards, content and functionality.
Whitworth Digital Commons Committee is responsible for DC metadata standards, copyright and permissions review, training of library staff and staff at campus units, and implementation and maintenance procedures.
Subject librarian liaisons and the DC Committee are responsible for working with colleges, departments, and individual faculty who are contributing to the DC.
Digital Commons Committee is responsible for the DC collection policy, selection of library materials for the DC, and approval of campus content for the DC.
Colleges, departments, and other campus units are responsible for urging members of their own staff to work with library staff to make their content available in the DC. They may wish to develop their own criteria in collaboration with the library regarding what is selected or digitized for their unit.
Individual faculty, staff, and students who wish to place their own content in the DC are responsible for working with their department and/or librarian liaison to do so.
Access Restrictions: Most items in the DC are open to public use; in select areas material is restricted to Whitworth user log-ins.
Preferred Citation: [Author]. [Title]. [Date]. Whitworth Digital Commons, Spokane, WA.
Rights Statement: Unless otherwise stated rights to all materials in the Whitworth Digital Commons are held either by the author of those materials (in the case of secondary source material) or by Whitworth University (in the case of primary source material).
Copyright law applies; see:
All collection development policy statements for the Whitworth Library can be viewed at http://libguides.whitworth.edu/policies
As digital environments morph over the nature and scope of the Whitworth DC will also too shift to address changes needs. This document will be revised on an as-needed basis.
All points subject to the discretion of the Library Director.
Created by the Digital Commons Committee, 8/17/2016. Revised 6/27/2017.