
Requesting Library Resources

Requests for new library resources are normally submitted via the library liaison in your academic department. The liaison is a faculty member, appointed by the department, responsible for coordinating departmental orders or requests for library resources, ensuring in the process that library funds allocated to the department or discipline are spent equitably and/or in line with any priorities set by the department. In departments housing several disciplines (e.g., Math/Computer Science), there may be separate liaisons for each discipline.

If you’re not sure who the liaison is for your department or discipline, ask your chair or contact Christina Dolan-Derks, our Acquisitions Specialist, at phone ext. 4485 or by email at The following, however, are some details about procedures for specific categories of library resources.

Books: Each academic department receives an annual budget allocation against which new books may be requested. Please submit requests using our online request form (Master Forms list). Online requests you place are automatically routed to your department liaison for required approval. If needed, contact Christina Dolan-Derks for instructions.

E-books: While many titles are not presently available in any e-format, and some we cannot logistically offer, our digital collections are growing each year. If you need or prefer that a title be acquired as an e-book, indicate that on the request form, and we will investigate whether the option is available.

Journals and other continuations: Journals or other continuations (annuals, book series, etc.) which involve a subscription or standing order cannot be charged to departmental allocations. Because these entail commitments to continuing expenditures in future years, new additions must be approved. Please refer these requests to your liaison who will then communicate them to your department’s library representative.

Databases and other online resources: Subscriptions or licenses to fee-based online resources usually involve substantial budget commitments and significant support implications. Should you have a request or suggestion in this area contact Amanda Clark,, ext. 4482.

Audiovisual and digital media: DVDs and other streaming multimedia (though not music CDs – see below) are ordered against a library budget line administered by Amanda Clark. Requests can be submitted either to Amanda or to Christina Dolan-Derks. Since AV & digital media funds are not allocated by department and often must be prioritized according to need and/or recent purchasing patterns, it’s a good idea to discuss requests with Judy before submitting. Book order forms should not be used for AV or streaming media. If possible, provide the producer’s or distributor’s catalog, advertisement, or web site URL so we’ll have the ordering information we need.

Music CDs are generally ordered against a Music Department allocation and require the Music liaison’s approval.

Special needs: If you have a need that can’t be met through the normative procedures outlined above, please contact the Amanda Clark, the Library Director via email or phone (x4482), or stop by my office, library room 147.

For Library Liaisons: Library Liaison FAQs.