
Top Resources

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Woman at the Piano

Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French 1841-1919)
Woman at the Piano, 1875-1876
Oil on canvas
Art Institute of Chicago

Whitworth Departments

    Citing Your Sources

The styles mainly used for Music are:

However, you should follow the instructions given by your professor, editor, or journal first. See the Citation Resources page for more detailed information on citation styles.

    How to Find Music Books and Scores

Browse the library shelves with these call numbers:

Scores and other printed music - scores can be found in the Martin Music Library on the first floor
Books about music (history, theory, instruments, performance, etc.
Books about music teaching and pedagogy

Need help with call numbers? Learn more >>

Want to find ebooks? Learn how to find ebooks >>

    Have more questions?

Paul Ojennus
125 Cowles Library